What We Do
Our Mission is simple:
We want to contribute to improving educational equity and access in Tasmania through the provision of free tutoring, mentoring, and advocacy.
But Why?
Tasmania has some of the lowest literacy and numeracy rates across Australia. Statistics show that 50% of Tasmanians aged between 15-74 are at a reading level 2 or below. This can have range of impacts on individuals from how they gain employment to how they participate in society. On top of that, many of our students live in rural and regional places which makes accessing educational support even harder! We want to ensure that Tasmanian students have the opportunity to access the same level and quality of services that students in our capital cities have the privilege of accessing.
The report Saving Money by Spending Money recommends that students are offered group tutoring or one-on-one support to improve educational outcomes. This is where LEAP Tasmania fits in! LEAP aims to break down the barriers between students accessing education support and give them the opportunity to thrive in their classrooms.
… And how?
We offer online tutoring services to rural, regional and/or low-SES primary and high school students across Tasmania. These tutoring sessions will be free and one-to-one.
We offer free, online mentoring sessions to students to support them in applying for scholarships, extra-curricula programs or to university!
Our team organise and run campaigns to advocate for changes in our education system both in Tasmania and nationally through engaging with Government agencies, curriculum developers and relevant education organisations.
We run events focussed on education and career pathways for primary, secondary and tertiary school students, send out a monthly newsletter full of opportunities and information and we encourage LEAP students to dream big!